"Ardhanari: Embodying the Divine Union of Shiv & Shakti in Art"

Happy to install my mix medium mural titled Ardhanari 😊😍🙏🏻

Shiv & Shakti - Ardhanarishvara, it represents the divine union of the god Shiva and his consort Shakti, specifically in their half-male, half-female form. The word “Ardhanari” is derived from the Sanskrit words “ardha,” meaning half, and “nari,” meaning woman.

In the Ardhanari form, the right half of the body represents Shiva and the left half represents Shakti. This powerful representation emphasizes the concept of inseparability & equality of the male and female energies in the universe. It symbolizes the idea that the masculine & feminine energies are interdependent & together form a harmonious whole.

The concept of Ardhanari embodies the idea of balance,unity & the complementary nature of male & female energies. It serves as a potent symbol of equality & the integration of the dualities present in the cosmos.

#Art #Artist #MixMedium #commissionedart #ShivShakti #Srisialam #andhrapradesh